In this round of Markets...


We continue to examine the 100 claims from the 3 preprint services of Round 11’s surveys. 

For more information about Round 11’s featured topic of COVID-19, please see our blog post.

Timeline for Round 11

Prediction markets will be available from Monday, August 31, 12:00 UTC until Monday, September 28, 06:00 UTC (that’s 2am Monday US EDT).

Trading is open for four weeks, to allow forecasters to update trades in response to relevant news and new results. RM anticipates these Markets will resolve by the end of the year with 20% – 50% of the claims being tested. As in Rounds 6 – 10, the prize pool will be $750 per resolved claim, divided proportionally to total winning shares in the Round. For more details, read Explanation of Payouts and refer to the Rules.

Round 11 Informed Consent

To participate in Round 11, all forecasters must indicate acceptance of the updated informed consent terms. For more details, see our blog post.